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When Is Someday?

When Is Someday?

There are 7 days in the week, and ‘someday’ is not one of them. -Unknown

So, when is someday?

Someday could be next Wednesday at 7pm, it could be the first Thursday of next month, or by the end of next year.

And yes, someday could even be today.

Could be.

‘Could be’ is good start. There’s a sense of opportunity, possibilities, a choice. Yet it’s only part of the equation and why ‘someday’ often remains ‘someday’.

Here’s the missing link: Despite what we want (or think we want) to happen in our lives, it won’t happen until we commit ourselves towards achieving it.

…And that means putting real action into a real diary.

True, as you read this you may feel overwhelmed or already over-committed with your current projects, responsibilities, or other endeavours.

Nonetheless, don’t let those future aspirations sit on the horizon too long without action.

There is no shortage of things to fill our time, so it’s important to bring those future ‘someday’ desires into the present so we can start taking action on them now.

How often do you hear others – family, friends, colleagues – say what they’ll do someday?

How often do you hear yourself say similar things?

How believable do those statements sound and feel to you?

Because ‘someday’ has no deadline and isn’t anchored anywhere in our diaries, it’s hard to take seriously isn’t it?

“Someday I’ll write a book.”

“Someday I’ll sail around the world.”

“Someday I’ll open a coffee shop.”

These are all completely imaginable, yet elusive and not fully believable.

What would be your biggest disappointment to not see through and make a reality?

If something is important enough, you’ll make it happen.


Time to cast the net on someday.

Always dreamed of running a Marathon or some similar feat?

>>Give someday a date. Go online, find one and book it. Now that it’s in your diary, you’ll have not only a clear goal, but also the impetus to start taking action towards achieving it.

Is there a level of expertise you’d like to achieve? An area of your business you’d like to put into place? A project you’d love to see through? …someday, someday, someday?

>>Decide to go for it. Then back your decision with the action of plotting realistic deadlines and a plan of action into your diary. Even if you can only afford minimal time each week or month.

Those tiny steps add up.

With consistent action, eventually what was once a someday aspiration will become today’s achievement.

If we don’t anchor ‘someday’, it will continue to drift. And we will continue to chase after it like a mirage on the desert.

What do you want to do someday?

What would you really like to achieve?

What will commit you to taking action? 

Let’s pin it down today and get the ball rolling!

One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now. -Paulo Coelho

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