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Tag Archives | completing tasks

Before You Begin 600

Before You Begin…

Before you begin… Determine your stopping point. Some tasks are easy, one-off quick wins: RSVP to an event. Order ink cartridges. Book a taxi. Other tasks aren’t as cut and dry. For example, checking emails, making client phone calls or writing content. There’s seldom a feeling of completion. There’s always another email to answer, another client we […]

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One Way To Motivate Yourself Into Action

How do you motivate yourself into action when your to-do’s leave you uninspired? Let’s face it, not all tasks are created equal. Some duties are fun and give us those coveted quick wins. Others can be downright loathsome, daunting, tedious, mundane or boring. One reason for our struggle to get moving is due to a […]

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heeeeeeeelp! (serie)

5 Ways Your Disorganised Office is Costing You

Have a good look at your work space. Is it a flourishing environment where you feel productive and in control? Or is the chaos of a disorganised office leaving you stressed and overwhelmed? If it’s the latter, your work environment may be causing you to suffer in more ways than you realise. Consider the areas […]

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Why You Should Reduce Your Working Hours

One of the most effective ways to increase productivity and ensure the important things get done is to reduce your working hours. It’s easy to let work run rampant with a big open schedule. But when it’s crunch time, we’re forced to prioritise and only the important stuff makes the cut. As Brian Tracy says, […]

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Write down the things to do in the notebook

Get It Done! Completing Tasks

William James once wrote: “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” I couldn’t agree more. I thought I’d never finish this blog! I couldn’t resist a little humour… but there is admittedly some truth in it, too. Why is it so fatiguing? Because each and every time we are […]

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