We are delighted to welcome our first Guest Blogger, Dr Cath Spencer-Smith of Sportdoc London. Doctor knows best? Part of my role as a Sports Doctor is helping people to recover from surgery, guiding them safely back to activity as quickly as possible. I’m always telling people that ‘it’s all about the rehab’, and ‘the patients […]
Estimating Time Accurately – Why You Need A Stopwatch
Most to-do lists are missing a critical element: A time estimate for each task. How do you know what will and won’t fit into your day if you’re not estimating time accurately? You may argue that you already do indicate estimates for your tasks, which is great. The question is, are they based on quantifiable experience […]
Are You Time Efficient?
Or do you need to get real and take some serious action? If you wonder why time seems to slip away, you’re not as time efficient as you think. Most people get through the day like they’re on a white-knuckle ride, trying to “do it all”. Despite being ‘non-stop busy’, we’re perplexed when the end […]
Why You Should Reduce Your Working Hours
One of the most effective ways to increase productivity and ensure the important things get done is to reduce your working hours. It’s easy to let work run rampant with a big open schedule. But when it’s crunch time, we’re forced to prioritise and only the important stuff makes the cut. As Brian Tracy says, […]
Have A Minute? Managing Interruptions
Interruptions are a part of life. Sometimes they bring a welcome break, especially if we’ve been working on something tedious or boring. But when we allow the interruptions to run rampant and trod all over our best laid plans, the disruption can set us back further than we realise. Imagine for a moment your ideal […]
Stay Focused And On Track – Reach Goals Faster!
Over the Easter break I rode in a 112km sportive (essentially a long bike ride). These rides are typically well organised, marshalled and sign-posted. And while not a ‘race’ per se, they are set up with the incentive of placing in a gold, silver or bronze category depending on your time. You’re given a map […]
Get It Done! Completing Tasks
William James once wrote: “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” I couldn’t agree more. I thought I’d never finish this blog! I couldn’t resist a little humour… but there is admittedly some truth in it, too. Why is it so fatiguing? Because each and every time we are […]
Ready for Spring Cleaning?
The spring season of renewal has long been marked with the traditional deep cleaning of hearth and home. But a good clean should mean more than bleaching grout and a donation-trip to Oxfam. It’s not just the physical stuff we have; it’s the attachments we have to it and what it represents. So, if we […]
Home Office – What Are Your Boundaries?
We all know the ‘perks’ of working from home: work as little or as much as you want, wear what you want, nip out for lattes or personal errands, throw in a load of laundry, work into the night. Want to have an extended lunch with your friends? No problem, you can make up the […]
Stuff In Storage – Are You Really Getting Value For Your Money?
Ideally, storage units can be a great help, providing a convenient, purposeful and temporary storage solution. A good example is when you are moving house and you need to store your household goods for a couple of months. But sometimes circumstances change or time frames get extended, so what happens to the value ratio when […]