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Author Archive | Cory

3 Powerful Questions To Start The Day 1500

3 Powerful Questions To Start Your Day

How do you start your work day? I don’t know about you, but I don’t begin any work until I’ve spent a few minutes planning my day, clarifying where my focus needs to be. For me, this pre-work planning time organises me mentally for the day ahead. I don’t want to ‘do’ a bunch of stuff. […]

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The remarkable things you gain by owning less 600

The Remarkable Things You Gain By Owning Less

What would happen if you reduced your belongings by half? Visualise your home or office, and imagine your space with fifty percent less stuff. What might that look and feel like? Initially you’d notice the obvious things, less inventory, more space, etc. But there are several other benefits to be gained that go beyond the physical […]

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Peace of Mind 600

20 Practical Actions To Achieve Peace Of Mind

What’s on your mind right now? Do you have an upcoming meeting you need to prepare for? Are there bills you haven’t paid? Are you travelling next week, but not sure where your passport is? These things rob all of us of our peace of mind. True, such stresses are a part of life, but […]

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Travel Checklist 600

Why I Love A Travel Checklist

My friend was driving me back to the airport yesterday, following a weekend visit, and we got to chatting about her upcoming travel. She has two trips, nearly back to back, which will require quite a bit of preparation. So, she’s planning a checklist to keep on top of it all. Great minds think alike, […]

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Airport control tower over cloudy blue sky

A Bizarre But Effective Way To Reveal Your Personal Productivity

Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes. He begins to understand that self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening. ~ G. I. Gurdjieff Have you ever wondered what it would […]

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illustration with stylized head of a man

How To Trick Your Mind To Get Things Done

Part IV of a 4-part series on: Procrastination If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it. ~Olin Miller Previously in this series we looked at how our choice of words, strategic timing and a small daily habit can help battle the universal challenge of procrastination. Today we turn […]

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Tired Of Your Old Job?

Timing is Everything: One Way To Beat Procrastination

Part II of a 4-part series on: Procrastination Procrastination is a cruel thing, isn’t it? Regardless of the reasons we do it, the outcome usually ends in tears. We make these little deals with ourselves and breathe a sigh of relief as we buy more time. We’re off the hook …for now. And that’s part […]

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Frau ruft in Megaphon

Procrastinating? 3 Things You Should Never Say

Part I of a 4-part series on: Procrastination. What stops you from starting that task? Perhaps the answer is one of the usual suspects: task too overwhelming, task too tedious or boring, an element of the unknown, a fear of success or failure, etc. There may, however, be another element at play holding you back, which often […]

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