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How To Revive Your Workspace

Does your workspace need a revival?

‘Functional’ is one thing. But a work area that feels inspiring, refreshed and alive will do far more for our personal productivity.

Are you in?

Here are 7 ways to revive your workspace:

1. Get a lift.
Too much stuff on the floor drags us down. For an immediate ‘lift’, get materials up and off the floor, especially at your feet where you work. Put items away, assign a home if needed or discard where possible.

2. Clear your desktop. 
Is your work surface conducive to work? Too much clutter is distracting. Clear the entire surface, leaving only the essentials. Not sure what those essentials are? Here’s a post from the archives to help: Take A Challenge – Clear Your Desk

3. Sort those drawers.
Drawers are a handy place to retrieve useful things until they become a jumbled mess of who knows what. Sort items by category, asking yourself of each item, ‘If I didn’t have this, would I need to re-purchase it immediately?’ Your answer will tell if it’s needed. Add containers or drawer dividers to keep smaller items contained.

4. Tame the stationery.
Stationery multiplies. Be ruthless here: Sort the cup of a thousand pens. Keep only the style you prefer and limit yourself to a set number, say ten. Assess paper, folders, binders, plastic sleeves and the like. Keep an eye on volume and banish any that are cumbersome, damaged, bent, creased or crinkled.

5. Evict the dust bunnies.
Has it been a while since your desk last saw a spray bottle? Time for a spring clean in its truest sense. Grab the antibacterial spray, the Marigolds and a vacuum, and give your space a good dose of elbow grease. Don’t neglect hidden areas.

6. Add some greenery.
A simple way to breathe life into your workspace is to add a healthy, green plant. There’s a variety of suitable office plants, but the Peace Lily is one of the most ideal. They’re easy to care for, tolerate low light, and remove toxins from the air. Plants on the desk can improve productivity and lower stress.

7. Upgrade your gear.
Is it time for a replacement, an upgrade or something new? Over time equipment wears down. Maybe it’s time to upgrade your laptop. Or invest in that quality scanner or an ergonomic chair. Invest in improving what supports you and your work.

What will make your workspace feel appealing, inspiring, and revived? 

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  1. Do You Need To Sort Your Screaming Desk? - Cory Cook Professional Organising Services - 11/20/2016

    […] stopping work operation to sort out your workspace may feel like a counter-intuitive thing to do. It may even feel a bit indulgent as you face the […]